What Is Home?
Here. Now. Your life. Your planet.
Here at HeartSong, we feel deeply connected, communicative, and centered within the Land. Our Center and teachings are based in the Aquarian Dynamic of Partnered Power ™ and here we share our decades of learning the embodiment of partnered power through hard-won wisdom and life experience.
All Creation wants Connection, Communication and Centering.
Here we endeavor to repair and heal the ways humanity has broken their feelings of belonging and wholeness by integrating and embodying the huge divine being into Earthly life, resulting in expression of Purpose, otherwise called the HeartSong. We yearn to know and fulfill our role in this greatest evolution in modern history…here you can begin and deepen your profound journey to become a participant in midwifing the new era.
Our greatest contribution to Future Generations is our own healing.
The Future Generations need our love, guidance, support and sense of belonging.
HeartSong Institute ™
HeartSong Institute ™ is the global resource for land-based retrieval of Ancestral Memory; with a school library of full programs, eCourses, certifications, lectures, and on-site events, we are confident that we cover all of the bases for retrieval of one of the most valuable resources we have…our Ancestors’ strengths, skills, cleverness, and survival strategies. When our ancestors’ traits express through us, we achieve and express our unique purpose.
Regenerative Philosophy
Utilizing practices that honor biodiversity, regenerate health of the land and planet, express the land’s fullest potential in partnership with nature, and reweave humanity back into the larger Earth ecosystem.
VIP Retreats
A retreat and education center in the Florida panhandle. It is magical, peaceful land, where we are working with Nature Intelligence and The Original Inhabitants to amplify transformation for retreat guests.
While working on a guided process of transformation, you’ll be able to enjoy all the land has to offer. Multiple spirits of medicine inhabit these lands breathing a unique energy into the area.
Enjoy luxury bedroom suites with private patios onto the Medicine Garden, peaceful decor, and healthy gourmet meals per client needs.
The important things in life are most often invisible, unquantifiable, and mysterious.
Yet profoundly impactful, soulful, gratifying, relieving.

Sharing Our Evolutionary Body of Work at HeartSong
The wisdom we gained as a result of the extraordinary transfomation in our marriage and family is now offered to families, couples, business leaders and individuals. Owned and operated by Licia and Peter Berry, married 35+ years and both presidents of their respective businesses, this body of work is ideal for those seeking partnered power in every relationship in their lives.