Welcome to Heartsong Center
HeartSong Center is a place where we partner with Nature Intelligence and The Land to remember how to be True Humans.

Licia and Peter Berry
What Are We Doing At HeartSong?
We are homesteading, gathering community, growing medicinal gardens, reweaving ourselves into the Earth’s memory and the Land, and inviting folks here to learn how they can do the same.
Many are awakening to a need to remember their ancestral connection with the Earth. Physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually we are the Earth’s children and humanity has been given a new reason to stop, slow down and remember the ways to live with honor of our planet, the Sacred Instructions.
HeartSong Center, Institute and Foundation are all co-created by #1 international bestselling author, speaker, educator and mentor Licia Berry and her life partner of 35+ years, Peter.
Our Approach
In 2003, Peter and Licia left the ‘safety’ of their careers, home and community to take their children on a 7-year spiritual odyssey. There they learned new ways of being in relationship with one another, including evolved power dynamics. The results of this profoundly healing journey is a body of work called The UNITE System™.
“Examination of the ways we partner and relate to one another as well as with our own life on Earth has created our awareness that this life is to be enjoyed with respect for the intelligence that creates it.”
We seek to support women, marriages, children, families and awakened men who are seeking to remember their sacredness and live by the original instructions we were given.
Thank you for honoring this sacred space. All materials (c) Licia Berry 1998- 2022.